Tony and Tulip are the therapy parrots of a psychoanalyst named Dr. Mommy. They
were, therefore, destined to be analytical. And so, after spending the better part of a
decade listening (and listening, and listening) to people’s problems, they have decided
to begin blogging – not just about problems, but about everything! But first, a few
words about their auspicious beginnings.
were, therefore, destined to be analytical. And so, after spending the better part of a
decade listening (and listening, and listening) to people’s problems, they have decided
to begin blogging – not just about problems, but about everything! But first, a few
words about their auspicious beginnings.
Tulip, an African Grey parrot, was a sweet and cuddly baby but as a teenager she
developed a major attitude. The phrase “Bite me!” originated with her, but one of
Dr. Mommy’s patients stole it for tee shirts. She also survived the trauma of losing
her first three companions – Little Tony, Terry, and Robbie, three handsome South
American Sun Conures whom she pretended to hate but secretly loved. Little Tony
was decapitated by a huge, farting bulldog named Dudley. The other two flew away
because Dr. Mommy forgot they were perched on her shoulder when she went
outside to water her tomato plants.
developed a major attitude. The phrase “Bite me!” originated with her, but one of
Dr. Mommy’s patients stole it for tee shirts. She also survived the trauma of losing
her first three companions – Little Tony, Terry, and Robbie, three handsome South
American Sun Conures whom she pretended to hate but secretly loved. Little Tony
was decapitated by a huge, farting bulldog named Dudley. The other two flew away
because Dr. Mommy forgot they were perched on her shoulder when she went
outside to water her tomato plants.
Tulip blames all her problems on Dr. Mommy and whenever possible she tears
Dr. M’s precious books to shreds with her sharp beak. Dr. Mommy says Tulip has
closed her heart and developed a Borderline Personality Disorder. Tulip says she
is Bi-Polar and was “born that way.”
Dr. M’s precious books to shreds with her sharp beak. Dr. Mommy says Tulip has
closed her heart and developed a Borderline Personality Disorder. Tulip says she
is Bi-Polar and was “born that way.”
Tony, an Australian cockatoo, was adopted and then returned by his first mommy.
The pet store renamed him “Trouble.” When Dr. Mommy adopted him, she thought
he was a girl and named him Talullah. But despite early rejection and gender dysphoria,
Tony remains a cheerful, upbeat fellow, although he is a little neurotic and sometimes
pulls his chest feathers out. His hobby is eating wood and he loves cuddling, banana
chips and the IPAD 2.
The pet store renamed him “Trouble.” When Dr. Mommy adopted him, she thought
he was a girl and named him Talullah. But despite early rejection and gender dysphoria,
Tony remains a cheerful, upbeat fellow, although he is a little neurotic and sometimes
pulls his chest feathers out. His hobby is eating wood and he loves cuddling, banana
chips and the IPAD 2.
Tulip is a serious dancer, “not a hobbyist,” and she is preparing to audition for the
ABT or the Joffrey this coming fall.
ABT or the Joffrey this coming fall.
They want to leave you with these final thoughts:
Tony: I am a pretty boy.
Tulip: Bull shit.
Tune in for Blog #2.