Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tulip Claims Parrot Abuse

Tulip: Did you see the signs she put up?
Tony: What? Oh, “Bird for Sale.” It’s a joke.
Tulip: I’m not laughing.
Tony: I don’t see why you’re so upset. 

I ate the lamp.
Tulip: I think it’s a harbinger.
Tony: Of what?
Tulip: The end.
Tony: The end of what?
Tulip: Us.

Tony: Tulie, you’re so paranoid. 
Dr. M. loves us.
Tulip: Yeah, that’s why she calls me a velociraptor.Tony: It’s a term of endearment.
Tulip: “My little serial killer?” 
Tony:  You’re being too sensitive.

 Tulip: I hate parrots who say that
“You’re too sensitive.”

 I say, “You’re not sensitive enough!”
Tony: Look, we are descended from dinosaurs. Maybe that’s all she means.
Tulip: It’s parrot abuse. Would she tell a patient to call her child “little Charlie Manson?”
Tony: Well, Tulip, you do bite.
Tulip: So do you.
Tony: I nip. You draw blood.
Tulip: Okay, you’re an angel and I’m the devil. You know what that makes us?
Tony: Siblings.

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