“The Washington Twelve.”TONY: Who’s in it?TULIP: A bunch of nobodies.TONY: What’s it about?TULIP: The national debt.TONY: BOR-ING!TULIP: Wrong, beakspeaker of the house. It will be the next Watergate
–IF they listen to me. It needs to have a better resolution than that
stupid summer replacement about the debt ceiling.TONY: Like what?TULIP: It needs to end with something dramatic, like the resignation
of Nixon. A death or a suicide would be good. Perhaps the suicide of
John Boehner.
TONY: Or Nancy Pelosi.TULIP: You ARE a Republican.
Why don’t you come out of the closet
and admit it.TONY: I am not a Republican.TULIP: “I am not a crook!”TONY: I am not a crook, either.TULIP:The problem with the Debt Ceiling ending was that it was a
pyrrhic victory.TONY: A what?TULIP: Pyrrhic. A lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing, to quote Shakespeare.TONY: I think that’s Faulkner.TULIP: Do you really?TONY: Yes.TULIP: I mean, do you THINK?TONY: I take offense.TULIP: A fence? Why not take something valuable, like someone’s wallet?
TONY: I am not a crook.TULIP:: Oh, yeah. I forgot.